Eliminate Fungal Infections Quickly, Naturally and Affordably

The standard medications used to treat fungus, such as clotrimazole, terbinafine and other prescription meds are often ineffective because…

  • They can weaken the immune system
  • They can cause side effects such as nausea, itching or vomiting

Fungal infections are caused by a fungus that breeds within the skin, especially in areas which are dark and moist. If left untreated, the infection will become more painful and the skin will begin cracking, making you more susceptible to secondary bacterial infections. Because the fungus is breeding inside the skin, no amount of washing will eradicate it. Contrary to popular belief, yeast infections have nothing to do with poor personal hygiene. Even those with fastidious hygiene can become infected.

However, many of the anti-fungal medications recommended by doctors and dermatologists are not very effective, and this is because they can damage your immune system. These ointments, lotions and creams may appear to alleviate the condition for a time, but will eventually come back worse than before. To truly eliminate a fungal infection for good, you need a strong immune system combined with products that kill the fungus naturally.

Over reliance on man made medications has led to fungal infections which are now becoming stronger and harder to treat, a phenomenon which is referred to as anti-fungal resistance.

The biggest weakness of prescription anti-fungal medications is that fungi can develop a resistance to them. This sometimes occurs naturally and as the result of improper use, skipping doses, or ending the treatment prematurely.

Once this happens, the fungus becomes better adept at blocking medicinal healing. Excessive antibiotic use also causes anti-fungal resistance. This is because antibiotics kill both harmful and helpful bacteria, especially beneficial bacteria within your digestive tract.

Once this occurs, helpful digestive yeast such as Candida can grow too quickly, running the risk of developing a condition called candidiasis.

The solution to effectively eliminating fungal infections without depending on man made medications is to use essential oils, which are all natural and extremely powerful. Not only can these oils kill the fungus, but they can also heal the skin. However, most doctors, dermatologists and pharmaceutical companies ignore them because they cannot be patented. They instead recommend prescription, man made medications that are overpriced, ineffective and susceptible to anti-fungal resistance and side effects.

It is extracted through distillation and used in soap, cosmetics, incense, food and perfumes. These oils have existed since antiquity and prior to modern medicine were the standard treatment for a variety of maladies.

In their purest form, essential oils are perfectly safe, but only when you purchase them from the right source. Many of the products sold online and in physical stores are adulterated.

This means that chemicals have been added which alter their aroma and reduce their cost. Some of these oils also contain undesirable byproducts which is the result of not growing their plants organically.

These unwanted ingredients can undermine the effectiveness of the oil and even lead to toxic reactions. This why you must purchase your essential oils from a reliable producer. The first step in eliminating your fungal infection is to choose therapeutic oil, not perfume grade oil. If you mistakenly purchase perfume grade oil, you run the risk of getting rashes, headaches, an allergic reaction or liver toxicity.

Tea Tree Oil 3 Improved
Oregano Oil 2 Improved A

Tea Tree Oil, which is also referred to as Melaleuca oil, is extracted from the leaves of an Australian tea tree called Melaleuca alternifolia, which is native to coastal New South Wales and Queensland.

It has a fresh and pleasant camphoraceous scent with a color which is clear to pale yellow. Its oil has medicinal attributes and is prized for its ability to alleviate numerous skin conditions.

Oregano Oil is derived from the Oregano plant, which is related to Mint and found naturally throughout the Mediterranean. However, it has also been naturalized and grown in the Northern Hemisphere, especially in the more temperate areas.

When combined, Tea Tree and Oregano Oil are extremely powerful and capable of killing any fungal infection naturally without the side effects of man made medications, the high cost of laser surgery or the risk of anti-fungal resistance. Additionally, these oils require no prescription and can be used at home, which means you will save hundreds of dollars on doctor’s visits.

This patient contracted a severe case of Jock Itch(Tinea cruris), which can be seen in the photo below. Their left inner thigh was badly infected and discolored, with intense itching, pain and pus. The infection then spread to the right thigh, buttocks and groin (not pictured), and despite using clotrimazole the fungal infection persisted. The patient refused to see a doctor and wanted to treat the infection at home.

Infected Jock Itch Before Treatment
Jock Itch After Treatment

This patient was able to treat his jock itch without visiting a doctor or dermatologist and did not need a biopsy, diagnosis or prescription medications. The exact process he used to treat his fungal infection is described below, and this same procedure can be used to treat any fungal infection, whether it be ring worm, toenail fungus, Athlete’s foot or Balanitis.

  • In the morning, mix 3 drops of Tea Tree Oil with 3 drops of Oregano Oil. Use your toothbrush to mix the oils together.
  • After mixing the oils with your toothbrush, use that same brush to apply the oils to the area of your body where the fungus is located. Scrub the oils into the skin for about three minutes.
  • Let the oil remain and dry on the skin for five to eight hours. When you come home from work or school, boil a pot of hot water, and then let it cool for about 15 minutes. Next, sprinkle some sea salt into the hot water and stir it.
  • Then, if possible, completely submerge and soak the area where the fungus is located for a few minutes; if this is not possible simply take the same toothbrush you used in the morning to mix the oils, then dip it into the hot salt water and then use it to scrub the fungus for 3 to 5 minutes. Next, use your blow dryer to thoroughly dry the area. Avoid using a regular towel to dry the infection site as the fungus will be transferred to the towel and may infect others that use it. Always air dry instead or use disposable paper towels.
  • Before you go to bed for the day, repeat the step you took in the morning, mixing another 3 drops of Tea Tree Oil with 3 drops of Oregano and then applying it to your skin using your toothbrush.
  • At the end of each day, dip the toothbrush in hot water mixed with bleach and then dry it overnight to keep it disinfected. If the toothbrush becomes too oily and grimy, replace it. Do not let others use this toothbrush!
  • For uncircumcised men that have Balanitis, you must keep your foreskin pulled back and dry so that the fungus has no dark or moist environment it can thrive in.
  • Jock Itch can cause intense and very unpleasant itching. To alleviate it, mix hot water with sea salt and then apply it to the affected area, then dry and sprinkle honey on the thighs and legs to soothe the skin and bring relief. Regularly wash clothes, hands and surfaces to prevent the Jock Itch from spreading to others.
  • Use a blow dryer to keep the fungal rash cool and dry.
  • Fungus thrives on sugar, so stop eating sugary foods and drinking sugary drinks during this treatment.
  • Do not take antibiotics. They are not designed to kill fungus and will worsen the condition.
  • Increase your consumption of onions and garlic to boost your immune system. This will help you fight the fungus internally.

Continue doing this daily and you will notice that the fungus should start to peel, turn dry, wrinkly, ashy or dark. When this happens, this is a sign that the fungus is dying.

Continue gently scrubbing your skin with the toothbrush daily until the fungus disappears completely.

Both Tea Tree Oil and Oil of Oregano are toxic when ingested, so never drink them or mix with food. Keep these essential oils away from children so that they do not poison themselves.

When not in use, the oils should be stored in a cool dark and secure place where they are not exposed to sunlight, as this will maintain their potency.

When I put the Tea Tree/Oregano Oil on my fungal rash it causes a burning/stinging sensation. Is this normal? How do I stop it?

The burning/stinging sensation is normal and a sign the treatment is working. This sensation may last from five to seven minutes and will gradually subside, but it can be intense at first, so the best way to alleviate it is to use a high-pressure blow dryer on cold settings, that way it cools and soothes the skin. It should also be noted that Tea Tree/Oregano oil doesn’t always cause burning, so if there is no burning sensation this doesn’t mean the treatment isn’t working. The burning sensation or lack thereof will vary from one fungal infection to another, and will gradually cease in intensity as the treatment progresses.

How long does it take to get rid of a fungal infection using Tea Tree and Oregano Oil?

The exact time needed to get rid of the infection will vary from one person to another. Some will see improvement in as little as one week or two. Most yeast infections should show substantial improvement within 4 weeks. If left untreated a fungal infection can last for months, even years.

Why is my skin peeling?

Peeling skin is a sign that the fungal infection is going away. Your body is shedding skin in the outer layer, which is called the epidermis. This is done to heal and recover from damage, a process that is called desquamation.

I have Jock Itch, and I notice a discharge oozing from the rash, is this normal?

Yes, this is normal, especially for severe cases. The discharge is yellow colored pus and is your body’s way of getting rid of the infection. If you must go to work or school, it is recommended to wear very dark colored clothing otherwise the discharge will be visible on your garments and can be a source of embarrassment. The discharge lasts for a week or two but will gradually subside as the treatment progresses.

I have Balanitis, and my doctor recommends circumcision. Should I get it?

We strongly recommend against getting circumcision. It is costly, does nothing to eliminate the actual fungal infection, and can cause complications. The foreskin is elastic and can be trained to stay back when pulled, so in our opinion circumcision is totally unnecessary in most cases.

Is it necessary to buy both Tea Tree and Oregano Oil? Aren’t these oils individually effective?

While both Tea Tree and Oregano Oil are powerful individually, we have found that they are most effective at quickly eliminating fungal infections when combined rather than used separately. This is because Oregano functions as the carrier for the Tea Tree oil. In order to get the best results you must purchase and use both.

My doctor recommends a biopsy, should I get it?

Biopsies are expensive, and most fungal infections can be easily diagnosed at home using a simple web search and common sense. Therefore, we do not recommend a biopsy unless you have a very good reason to get one.

This table below shows how Barefut essential oils compare to standard anti-fungal medications. As you can see, these oils outclass standard medications in every way.

Fungal Treatment Chart 12

Founded in 2010, Barefut is owned and operated by Certified Aromatherapists and has become the industry leader in providing high quality essential oils. Their products are used by chiropractors, spas and health stores. Toss out the man made meds and switch to all natural oils that will eradicate your fungal infection for good.

Tea Tree Oil 3 Improved
Oregano Oil 2 Improved A



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